Despite being the overlooked Cinderella of our senses, the impact of smell on our well-being is profound.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Rare Diseases in the Era of High-Cost Drug Development

Saturday, August 26, 2023
Chronicles of Community-Driven Research: The Evolution of MEBO and PATM Studies
In the ever-evolving landscape of medical science, the untangling of medical mysteries often hinges not just on technological advancements or expert researchers, but on the active involvement of community members. Community efforts have been instrumental in the identification and understanding of elusive conditions MEBO (Metabolic Body Odor) and PATM (People Are Allergic to Me).
Late 1990s - early 2000s: The Dawn of Online Support Forums
Before the conditions were officially named, online forums like MSN Body Odor Support Forum, ibsgroup.org, Yahoo TMAU group, and Curezone BO & Halitosis and TMAU forums served as early platforms for sufferers to discuss their symptoms.
At this time, Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) was a scarcely recognized condition, and diagnostic tests were both costly and geographically limited. Trimethylaminuria support group, later established as foundation raises 35K and awards it to Dr. George Preti of Monell Center, the world’s only independent, non-profit scientific institute dedicated to interdisciplinary basic research on the senses of taste and smell.
2006-2007: Birth of MEBO and PATM Communities
In 2006, the acronym "PATM" was first coined by a sufferer, and by 2007, a dedicated PATM community was established on MedHelp. The initial post was reposted in PATM forum and garnered over 8,800 responses, signifying the start of a community-led initiative to explore the condition. While the term FBO (fecal body odor) emerged earlier and is still used on online forums, it is often avoided due to its less appealing connotation. MEBO was coined by another individual suffering from a similar undiagnosed condition. This further fueled community-driven research and knowledge sharing among those affected.
2008: Broadening the Dialogue
The blog Bloodbornebodyodorandhalitosis.com is launched, later transitioned to meboblog.com. This year also saw more in-person meetups and community surveys, including one by pharmacist Arun Nagrath that received about 100 responses. 95% of responders was trying to seek medical help, over 90% thought that their doctor was not knowledgeable nor confident in their recommendations.
Peer-reviewed paper examining the microbiome traits of individuals self-identifying with PATM and MEBO (NCT02683876) is published in JMIR Dermatology. The study reveals that both MEBO and PATM share increased levels of malodor-associated skin bacteria compared to non-MEBO/non-PATM groups, correlating with severity of self-reported symptoms. However, both populations exhibit significant heterogeneity.
2021-2023: Ongoing Challenges and Future Directions
A COVID study identifies flare-ups in 10-15% of the MEBO population post-infection and vaccination, possibly related to microbiome and hormonal fluctuations (NCT04832932; peer-reviewed paper published in JMIR Formative Research). COVID-19 has led to the emergence of new cases, with individuals developing MEBO/PATM conditions following infection and/or vaccination.
A cysteine challenge test for hydrogen sulfide production is suggested. Florida State University's iGem team proposes a synthetic biology project for TMAU.
New paper by Chris Callewaert explores various cutting-edge approaches to skin health, including genetically engineered probiotics and microbiome transplantation. While promising, the latter method currently lacks scalability for industrial applications. The paper also delves into skin bacteriotherapy, a technique involving the application of one or multiple pure bacterial cultures with health-promoting properties to cleansed or disinfected skin areas. Additionally, the study examines the use of prebiotics applied directly to the skin to encourage the growth of beneficial microbes. Each of these innovative approaches holds promise but also presents its own set of challenges.
A study by Professor Sekine in Nature Scientific Reports identifies volatile organic compounds as key differentiators between PATM sufferers and controls. These results align with our yet to be published findings from MEBO-Menssana Alveolar Breath Test Study (NCT03451994) and Microbiome study (NCT03582826).
The FSU team introduces their innovative probiotic, E.esperance, at the iGEM competition in Paris on November 2, 2023.
Despite these advancements, mainstream science remains largely uninterested in community-based research, leaving MEBO, PATM and TMAU without a definitive cure.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and other emerging probiotics
In the past few decades, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera were the main bacteria to be used as probiotics. One of the reasons for such attention was that these bacteria have the ability to thrive aerobically and are simple to package for sale. Cass Nelson-Dooley and Tony Hoffman of Metametrix (acquired by Genova Diagnostics in 2012) talked about these probiotics in MEBO interviews in 2009, emphasizing that high levels of Lactobacillus could be bad in some cases. Diets rich in simple carbs, poor absorption and small intestinal pockets can feed and trap excess Lactobacillus. Adding probiotics Bifidobacteria or Saccharomyces boulardii and prebiotic fiber to the diet could, in their opinion, help the MEBO population. D-lactate was one of the tests they offered that measured the level of this byproduct of bacterial fermentation, indicating an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. According to our early clinical studies, D-lactate, however, was elevated in less than 20% of MEBO and PATM populations.
Even though Lactobacillus is only a minor member of the human colonic microbiota, the proportions of those bacteria and particular strains are frequently either positively or negatively correlated with human disease and chronic conditions. Although it generally is not considered a pathogen, it can cause disease in compromised hosts, including bacterial endocarditis, pleuropulmonary infections, gastrointestinal abscesses, urinary tract infection, conjunctivitis, dental caries, and endometritis. Lactobacillus bacteremia, presumably secondary to bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract, has been reported in a patient with severe intestinal inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis. A decrease in genus Faecalibacterium and increase in Lactobacillaceae has been previously reported in patients with constipation (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P9 supplementation, on the other hand, helped to increase frequency of bowel movements, while L11 improved gut health and odor in cats). Compared to healthy individuals, pediatric and adult Crohn's disease (CD) patients had an increased relative abundance of Lactobacillus species. In both cases, Lactobacillus enrichment coincided with depletion of F. prausnitzii - that could represent a good candidate as next-generation probiotic. Another study found that Weissella cibaria ZWC030 can inhibit skatole.
The percentages of Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus group presented a decreasing trend in patients with quiescent ulcerative colitis (UC) compared to active UC, although no significant differences were observed. Excessive amounts of Bifidobacteria can have negative effects on the body, such as in the case of Bifidobacterium breve bacteremia caused by excessive probiotic supplementation in infants with gastrointestinal conditions. On the other hand, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and F. prausnitzii are depleted in IBS patients, resulting in lower SCFA concentrations (short-chain fatty acids, which are organic acids produced by gut bacteria during fermentation of indigestible foods) compared with healthy individuals. Maternal prenatal stress could also cause lower levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and keep them low even later in life. With lower levels of Bifidobacterium, celiac patients have an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, regardless of pH, even while on a gluten-free diet. Hormone treatment affects Bifidobacterium longum's ability to produce acids: progesterone reduces lactic acid and acetic acid production, while estradiol and thyroxine increase levels of both lactic acid and acetic acid (ethinyl estradiol) or lactic acid and butyric acid (thyroxine hormone).
Data from our microbiome study (NCT03582826: Microbial Basis of Systemic Malodor and "People Allergic To Me" Conditions - ClinicalTrials.gov) show that while there was a general trend of increasing levels of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in individuals who achieve remission, less than 10% of participants needed to boost levels of both species to improve their condition. In line with previous knowledge, in MEBO/PATM population, Bifidobacteria (one of the first microbes to colonize the human gastrointestinal tract) was more common in younger individuals. About one third of the participants experienced lesser symptoms when increasing levels of their gut Bifidobacteria, another third benefited from more Lactobacillus and the remaining third felt better when increasing levels of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (a butyrate-producing anaerobe typically associated with good health). Changes in the levels of these bacteria corresponding to recovering are overlayed on Figure 5 from our paper published in JMIR dermatology. It was illustrating changes in microbial diversity vs abundances of selected bacterial species associated with odor (CSS) for 12 female (F1-F12) and 10 male (M1-M19) participants who self-reported both flare-ups (beginning of the arrow) and improvements (end of the arrow). We added text boxes showing whether the levels of F. prausnitzii (F), Bifidobacterium (B) and Lactobacillus (L) are increasing (🡹) , decreasing (🡻) or fluctuating (🡺) as symptoms resolve. It is obvious that individuals with the highest bacterial diversity don't benefit from increasing levels of probiotic diversity, while those with low diversity levels do need more probiotic microbes in their system. The figure demonstrates the complexity of these bacterial perturbations and emphasizes the need to consider more than just three species when predicting which treatment will work best for reducing MEBO and PATM symptoms.As we mentioned in the previous blog post, Lactobacillus is the main genera responsible for odors of the uncooked food waste and off-flavor pit mud. Some strains of Lactobacillus produce lactic acid, which can contribute to a more acidic environment in the gut. This can be beneficial for some people, but for others it can exacerbate odor issues. Bifidobacteria could also produce organic acids such as acetic acid and lactic acid in addition to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, which can have anti-inflammatory effects and promote gut health, but some people may find it unpleasantly smelling. F. prausnitzii produces a range of metabolites including one of the worst smelling compounds Putrescine. F. prausnitzii plays important role in balancing immunity. Its butyrate production has been correlated to the capacity to induce IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) but not to the ability to block IL-8 secretion in TNF-α-stimulated HT-29 cells. In COVID-19, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii has been inversely correlated with disease severity.
Research has shown that the gut microbiome is far more complex than previously thought, with hundreds of bacterial species interacting in a delicate balance. Therefore, focusing solely on Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, or any other bacterium, may not be enough to promote a healthy gut microbiome for everyone. Besides, different strains of bacteria within the same species can have different effects on the body.
After more than a century of research, the following species are identified as the primary probiotic species of Lactobacillus species: L.acidophilus, L.casei, L.fermentum, L.gasseri, L.johnsonii, L.paracasei, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, and L. salivarius. For Bifidobacteria these are: B.adolescentis, B.animalis, B.bifidum, B.breve, and B.longum. We are learning more about strains of these species. Novel probiotic strain Bifidobacterium bifidum CECT 7366 is active against the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori - and so are variations of Saccharomyces Boulardii and Lactobacilli johnsonii. Another strain L. plantarum 299v can directly interfere with E. coli colonization and improve the immunological status of the intestinal mucosa although these results have not yet been confirmed in humans. Lactobacillus GR-1 and B-54 or RC-14 strains in the vagina has been shown to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Mileti et al. found that Lactobacillus paracasei displayed a delay in the development of colitis and a decreased severity of disease but that L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus GG exacerbated the development of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis.
L. rhamnosus supplementation contributes to higher intestinal absorption of free choline and elevated production of methylamines including TMA, whereas L. paracasei consumption may result in increasing bacterial consumption of choline for cholesterol assimilation and phospholipid metabolism rather than for methylamine metabolism.
Bifidobacterium supplemented with various fiber additives can prevent the growth of Clostridium difficile, while Lactobacillus salivarius protects the broiler chicks from Salmonella infections. Several strains of other species promising as probiotics are from Roseburia spp., Akkermansia spp., and Faecalibacterium spp. Probiotic potential risk score (PPRS) allowed to classify 84 Faecalibacterium prausnitzii strains into low-, medium-, and high-risk groups. 15 strains identified as low-risk strains are prioritized for clinical application.
Unfortunately, the extreme oxygen sensitivity of F. prausnitzii imposes practical challenges to the production, transportation, storage, and manufacturing of probiotic products to be evaluated in a clinical setting. Instead, we have to turn to prebiotics - a type of dietary fiber - in our food . F. prausnitzii's growth is promoted by inulin, inositol (vitamin B8) and fructo-oligosaccharides, chicory roots, wheat, onion, banana, garlic, and leek, wheat, rye, rice, barley, oat, and sorghum, and gold kiwifruit.
Gut microbiota can be also influenced by phytochemicals. In one study, black raspberry (BR) reduced the serum levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide and cholesterol in rats fed excessive choline with a high-fat diet (HFC). The authors hypothesized that since gut microbiota plays a crucial role in the production of trimethylamine and microbial metabolites, BR could influence gut microbial composition. Their study examined microbiomes and metabolomes of rats and showed that the BR supplementation enriched Bifidobacterium and reduced Clostridium cluster XIVa.
While we have made significant progress in understanding the role of probiotics and prebiotics in supporting our gut health, it's important to recognize that there is still a great deal that we don't know. It's becoming increasingly clear that a personalized approach to prebiotic and probiotic use may be necessary to achieve optimal health outcomes. This approach involves paying attention to how different foods make you feel and adjusting your diet accordingly, while eating a diverse and balanced diet that incorporates a variety of whole foods and phytochemicals, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and exercise, and managing stress levels. Focusing on overall health and well-being will help to support the body's natural ability to maintain a healthy microbiome and avoid dysbiosis-related health issues.
Din AU, Hassan A, Zhu Y, Yin T, Gregersen H, Wang G. Amelioration of TMAO through probiotics and its potential role in atherosclerosis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019 Dec;103:9217-28.
Pacifico L, Osborn JF, Bonci E, Romaggioli S, Baldini R, Chiesa C. Probiotics for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(3): 673-683 [PMID: 24574741 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i3.673]
Lim T, Lee K, Kim RH, Ryu J, Cha KH, Park SY, Koo SY, Hwang KT. Effects of black raspberry extract on gut microbiota, microbial metabolites, and expressions of the genes involved in cholesterol and bile acid metabolisms in rats fed excessive choline with a high-fat diet. Food Sci Biotechnol. 2023 Feb 13;32(4):577-587. doi: 10.1007/s10068-023-01267-4. PMID: 36911337; PMCID: PMC9992478.
Heeney DD, Gareau MG, Marco ML. Intestinal Lactobacillus in health and disease, a driver or just along for the ride?. Current opinion in biotechnology. 2018 Feb 1;49:140-7.
Friday, July 2, 2021
Viruses and Vaccines
The COVID-19 Back-to-normal study was initiated in January 2021 as an effort of a tight-knit neighborhood to help each other avoid the virus and vaccinate safely.
Later the research protocol was approved by MEBO Research IRB and the study was open to other communities around the world.
By now, we have over 600 participants.
Early results of the study in MEBO/PATM community, based on the replies of the first 26 enrollees, showed that while reactions to vaccine were similar to the general population, experiences with COVID-19 infections were not - 2 individuals were not able to avoid the disease in this group, and both of them experienced long term effects.
As of today, we have stories from 41 members of MEBO/PATM community and 6 different vaccines: AstraZeneca-Oxford, Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sinovac Biotech’s CoronaVac and BBIBP-CorV, also known as the Sinopharm vaccine.
Currently, in various areas of the world, 19 COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for use. Statistics on short-term effects of these vaccines have been published for different groups. If we compare our data to published data matching by ages and vaccines, short-term effects are very similar. Some of our sub-groups, especially healthy elderly participants, experienced far fewer side effects than reported in the literature. There were slightly fewer common adverse reactions in MEBO Pfizer group, but incidences of fatigue were on a higher side for all vaccines, and there were more reports of fever experienced after Moderna and Astrazeneca, albeit it was not significantly different from the general population. More significant differences were for less common and longer-term effects including fast heartbeat, dry mouth, skin reactions and swollen lymph nodes. The figure below shows common symptoms for Long COVID. Underlined are some of the issues reported after COVID vaccine uptakes in the group. Possible worsening of MEBO/PATM symptoms after vaccinations was reported by 10% of study participants.Why is MEBO/PATM community more susceptible to long COVID? A new study argues that long-haulers might actually be experiencing an attack of fatigue-inducing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, a member of herpesvirus family HHV-4) that was lying dormant in their bodies. For this study, Gold and his colleagues analyzed blood of 30 people with chronic COVID (out of 185 COVID survivors). 20 out of these 30 carried high levels of EBV antibodies. Vaccines were shown to reactivate viruses too, in much rarer cases. As was demonstrated for Pfizer vaccine that woke up another herpes virus, chickenpox herpes-zoster (HHV-3), that causes shingles when reactivated (this happened to 1% of patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases). Herpes simplex (HSV-1) can be also kept in remission by a healthy immune system and can be also reactivated by COVID-19.
MEBO and PATM symptoms could arise following an infection. Perhaps SARS-CoV-2 can reactivate the old viruses that caused these symptoms to begin with?
Community immunity (also known as herd immunity) protects everyone. We hope that MEBO/PATM community stays COVID-free and safe.
Monday, June 21, 2021
COVID-19 and vaccine reactogenicity in MEBO/PATM community
Our preliminary results, based on responses to the survey for 24 members of MEBO community and 6 of their family members show a wide variety of reactions to Astrazeneca, J&J, Moderna, Pfizer and Sinovac/Coronavac vaccines.
Interestingly, Pfizer vaccine that caused no or very mild reactions in several MEBO participants, was also the vaccine that possibly caused temporary worsening of odor symptoms in one person in the community. Another MEBO participant that reported possible worsening of odor from Moderna vaccine had one thing in common with the other individual - they both had pre-existing conditions related to their upper digestive tract. Some Astrazeneca recipients also reported odor issues but did not think it was worse than usual.
One of the most interesting observations was that even though only 2 members of MEBO/PATM community reported COVID-19 infection (before or between vaccinations), both of them had long COVID with long-term neurological manifestations such as fatigue, ENT symptoms and loss of smell.
Adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines are influenced by a multitude of factors, many of which can be anticipated and alleviated. A certain level of inflammation is needed to trigger an effective adaptive immune response, but both environment and genetic makeup determine who is more likely to experience particular symptoms after infection and from the vaccine.
You can help by telling us about your experiences with COVID-19 and/or vaccinations. These surveys can be used for posting your brief stories - no need to answer all the questions. And you can always add to your story later. Please use your anonymous ID and let us know if you have any questions.
in English: https://bit.ly/BTN-eng
en Español: https:/bit.ly/BTN-esp
We'll be posting more observations and comparisons with over 600 participants of our study from other communities.
Blumental S, Debré P. Challenges and issues of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Frontiers in Medicine. 2021;8.
Gordon AR, Kimball BA, Sorjonen K, Karshikoff B, Axelsson J, Lekander M, Lundström JN, Olsson MJ. Detection of inflammation via volatile cues in human urine. Chemical senses. 2018 Nov 1;43(9):711-9.
Kimball BA, Opiekun M, Yamazaki K, Beauchamp GK. Immunization alters body odor. Physiology & behavior. 2014 Apr 10;128:80-5.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
New Paper Reveals Insights into Bacteria that Live on Your Skin and in Your Gut
What do MEBO (metabolic body odor), PATM ("People are Allergic to ME" condition) and TMAU (trimethylaminuria) have in common - beside the obvious: airborne substances that make people feel uncomfortable? New paper published in JMIR Dermatology - Cutaneous Bacteria in the Gut Microbiome as Biomarkers of Systemic Malodor and PATM Conditions - demonstrates: it's microorganisms that live on the skin and can be also present in the gut. The results of a clinical trial reported in this paper showed that the same microbes can modulate severity of odor or allergic reactions in others independently of genetics and trimethylamine metabolism.
Researchers long suspected that there was a link between gut and skin health. Recent studies have confirmed it for a number of inflammatory skin diseases - such as psoriasis, rosacea, acne and atopic dermatitis. Microbes have been also suggested as targets for treating TMAU, a disorder that causes the body to constantly emit foul odor - from the skin, the mouth and the nose - via skin or fecal microbiome transplantation, antibiotics and probiotics. However, existing treatments are too broad, can lead to other health problems and lack understanding of precise targets and mechanisms.
The paper shows that MEBO and PATM conditions don't always arise because of the decrease in microbial diversity. About half of the people might be lacking in microbial richness, but another half has too many different bacterial species to handle.
The figure shows results of 22 study volunteers that were able to observe both flare-ups and improvements in their condition. The Y axis shows changes in microbial diversity vs abundances of selected bacterial species (X axis) for 12 female and 10 male participants. The arrows are labeled with 3 or 4 digits - the last digits of MEBO ID. Beginning of the arrow shows participants' microbial diversity and proportion of skin microbes in the gut during flare-ups, the end of the arrow points to improvements. As this figure shows, the only exceptions to the conclusion that the fewer cutaneous bacteria in the gut, the fewer skin emanations were 1214, 1287 and 1307. All of them observed very minor if not negligible (and easy to misinterpret) improvement of their condition (flare-ups happening from “all the time” to “most of the time”). 1214 was seen by a professional dermatologist, who concluded that a diagnosis of bromhidrosis didn’t seem warranted. 1307 had undergone a Botox procedure to treat hyperhidrosis, but was still experiencing symptoms (and, from our results, large fluctuations in odorous skin bacteria). 1287 did not report any skin odors and noted only halitosis.
Read the paper to learn more and stay tuned for more details as they develop.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Microbial diagnostics of MEBO
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Age and Metabolic Body Odor
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Concluding the MEBO-uBiome study
We have now completed final data collection for the primary and secondary outcome measures.
... Read more ...
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
The Anna Karenina Principle: Alloprevotella
... Read more ...
Sunday, July 21, 2019
How do you feed your microbiome?

According to descriptions of diets and lifestyle submitted by our participants, about 25% of them are taking commercial probiotic products, about the same number as those who had chicken as the main staple of their kitchen (see word cloud depiction of diet keywords on the right). About 2% take commercial prebiotics, but many more eat prebiotic foods (such as oats/oatmeal, bananas, apples and nuts shown in green). 4% eats onions and about the same percentage actively avoids it. Milk, Rice, Bread and Pasta were among the most popular foods, after chicken.

The world is eating less meat overall, and a few years ago, among the meat eaters, the scale tipped from greater consumption of beef to greater consumption of chicken.
This is even more pronounced in MEBO population.
Half of MEBO population takes vitamins and supplements. The most popular among them is Zinc closely followed by Magnesium and Enzymes. Also popular are multivitamins, Calcium, Resveratol, Vitamin B12, Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Ashwagandha, Biotin, Primrose oil, Omega 3 and Livercare. Blood pressure drugs are among the most used medications.
This information will be useful in understanding differences in microbiomes of subjects with similar symptoms. We might already be observing interesting trends. Certain supplements, for example, seem to benefit some blood group more than others. Same about foods naturally rich in certain minerals and vitamins.
We'll talk about this next time.
Friday, November 30, 2018
On what's in your head, the downside of diversity and deodorizing bacteria: preliminary results of NCT03582826
By now, 105 uBiome kits were registered in our Quality of Life form (out of 300+ sets sent). 16 volunteers have submitted all 3 samples and 23 registered one or two kits. Over half of our participants have not yet started the study. We hope that this post will answer some of their questions on where to start.
The goal of MEBO Gut Microbiome study is to identify microbial communities associated with flare ups and remission of systematic malodor or PATM conditions. Participants are asked to answer MEBO Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire about the last 24 hrs before every sample is taken. The Questionnaire is embedded into English and Spanish posts about the study. The answers are used to calculate total QoL score that increases with less odor and more wellbeing. The questionnaire evaluates physical health, psychological health, social support and environment such as diet and exercise. A separate score is calculated for MEBO (malodor/PATM) symptoms.
This post is about preliminary results of the first 41 uBiome kits representing samples from 24 participants. Quality of Life scores varied from 55 to 149 (best, "ideal" quality of life would be 150), while MEBO scores ranged from 3 (experienced MEBO/PATM symptoms "all the time" and odor was lingering for hours at 10 feet and farther) to 25 (100% odor free).
The pie chart on the right shows social environment for MEBO volunteers: almost half of study participants had active social lives interacting with over 8 people per day. Almost 20% of social interactions were entirely positive, while 10% were entirely negative. Social support did not correlate with MEBO symptoms and it was not predictor nor protective of malodor.

uBiome provides a multitude of measurements characterizing gut microbiomes. One of the most widely used metrics is gut diversity metrics.

In extremely diverse communities, people may be less inclined to trust each other, vote and volunteer for activities. In people not suffering from uncontrollable odors, microbes and hosts have a balanced dialogue, and form symbiotic relationships beneficial for both parties.

There is not much known about the role of Anaerovorax in human gut. It is proposed to increase when adding meat to a usually vegetarian diet and with increased fasting insulin levels. It is also increased in healthy preadolescent children (7 to 12 years old) and by minerals such as Zinc and Manganese.

Bacteroides maintain a complex and generally beneficial relationship with the host. The genus Bacteroides makes up to 30% of the bacteria in the human gut. Levels of Bacteroides increase with rapid weight loss. Specific species of Bacteroides, have a role in preventing infection with Clostridium difficile. Level of Bacteroides, however, increase (or significantly decrease) in inflammatory bowel disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria probiotics, garlic, walnuts and barley could all decrease levels of Bacteroides. Polydextrose (dietary fiber found in traditional bakery items, beverages, dairy products and sauces) not only decreases Bacteroides but also increases probiotic strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
These are only preliminary results. We'll be looking at more complex patterns in bacterial community structures associated with different subgroups of study participants. We'll be posting new findings as we mine more data and get additional results.
If you have not started the study yet, we hope that this post encourages you to start participating. As you see, every data point counts, even if the results of your experimentation and odor reduction approaches are not as good as we wished.
Vemuri R, Gundamaraju R, Shastri MD, Shukla SD, Kalpurath K, Ball M, Tristram S, Shankar EM, Ahuja K, Eri R. Gut Microbial Changes, Interactions, and Their Implications on Human Lifecycle: An Ageing Perspective. BioMed research international. 2018;2018.
Zhang Q, Xiao X, Li M, Yu M, Ping F, Zheng J, Wang T, Wang X. Vildagliptin increases butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut of diabetic rats. PloS one. 2017 Oct 16;12(10):e0184735.
Roeder J, Schink B. Syntrophic degradation of cadaverine by a defined methanogenic coculture. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2009 Jul 15;75(14):4821-8.
Lau SK, Teng JL, Chiu TH, Chan E, Tsang AK, Panagiotou G, Zhai SL, Woo PC. Differential Microbial Communities of Omnivorous and Herbivorous Cattle in Southern China. Computational and structural biotechnology journal. 2018 Jan 1;16:54-60.
Filocamo A, Nueno-Palop C, Bisignano C, Mandalari G, Narbad A. Effect of garlic powder on the growth of commensal bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract. Phytomedicine. 2012 Jun 15;19(8-9):707-11.
Cruden DL, Galask RP. Reduction of trimethylamine oxide to trimethylamine by Mobiluncus strains isolated from patients with bacterial vaginosis. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease. 1988 Jan 1;1(2):95-100.
Craciun S, Balskus EP. Microbial conversion of choline to trimethylamine requires a glycyl radical enzyme. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012 Dec 26;109(52):21307-12.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Consentimiento de investigación para el estudio MEBO Microbiome
● Estar en un estudio es voluntario: tu
● Si se une a este estudio, puede
detenerse en cualquier momento.
● Nadie puede prometerle que un estudio
lo ayudará.
● No se una a este estudio a menos que
se respondan todas sus preguntas.
Ninguna de las encuestas u otros procedimientos utilizados por los investigadores en este estudio de investigación son invasivos o experimentales. Los procedimientos involucrados no implican riesgos significativos, y no hay compensación o tratamiento disponible si la lesión ocurre como resultado de la participación. Los hisopos y otros materiales utilizados para la recolección de muestras se esterilizan antes del envío y se deben manipular con el cuidado e higiene adecuados. Si no se siente cómodo manipulando el kit de recolección y aceptando la responsabilidad de su uso, reconsidere su participación en este estudio.
Estos cuadros describen cuándo puede recolectar las tres muestras dependiendo de si su condición está en estado activo o en remisión:
Cuando esté listo para comenzar a tomar muestras, siga las instrucciones a continuación para recolectar su muestra:
Cualquiera de sus muestras que se utilizan en la investigación puede dar como resultado nuevos productos, pruebas o descubrimientos. En algunos casos, estos pueden tener un valor comercial potencial y pueden ser desarrollados y ser propiedad de uBiome u otros. Nuestro acuerdo con Ubiome les permite presentar cualquier patente relacionada con los resultados de las pruebas. Sin embargo, los donantes de muestras no retienen ningún derecho de propiedad sobre los materiales. Por lo tanto, no compartiría ningún beneficio financiero de estos productos, pruebas o descubrimientos.
• Algunas preguntas de la encuesta pueden hacer que usted los miembros de su familia se sientan incómodos.
• Sus datos, respuestas de la encuesta y / o información de identificación personal pueden verse comprometidos en caso de incumplimiento de la seguridad o incumplimiento del protocolo. En caso de incumplimiento, si sus datos están asociados con su identidad, pueden hacerse públicos y pueden tener consecuencias sociales y psicológicas para usted o sus seres queridos.
• Cuando los investigadores publican los resultados de este estudio, su información puede incluirse en resúmenes agrupados que se hacen públicos. La identificación de sus datos a nivel individual de esos resúmenes sería extremadamente difícil, pero es posible que un tercero que haya obtenido datos parciales de usted pueda comparar sus datos parciales con los resultados publicados y determinar indirectamente algunas de las respuestas de su encuesta.
• Si bien la información que guardamos no incluye nombres, y el microbioma no es identificable de manera única, la información genética humana es única y se puede utilizar para identificar personas al vincular o rastrear ADN en bases de datos públicas.
• Al igual que con cualquier servicio en línea, si divulga la contraseña de su cuenta a otras personas, es posible que puedan acceder a su cuenta y a su información. Puede haber riesgos adicionales para la participación que actualmente son imprevisibles.
No podemos garantizar ni prometemos que recibirá algún beneficio de este estudio.
Una descripción de este ensayo clínico está disponible en https://clinicaltrials.gov ct2/show/NCT03582826, según lo exige la ley de los EE. UU. Este sitio web no incluirá información que pueda identificarlo. Como máximo, el sitio web incluirá un resumen de los resultados. Puede buscar este sitio web en cualquier momento.
El propósito de este estudio es conocer qué comunidades microbianas están asociadas con brotes y remisiones de mal olor y condiciones de PATM. La información de alguna forma se enviará al patrocinador, uBiome. Su información no identificada puede incluirse en resúmenes agrupados cuando los investigadores publican los resultados de este estudio.
Se les puede pedir a los participantes internacionales que donen a MEBO Research para compensar parcialmente los costos de envío.
Todas las formas de diagnóstico y tratamiento médicos, ya sean de rutina o experimentales, implican cierto riesgo de lesión. A pesar de todas las precauciones, es posible que desarrolle complicaciones médicas al participar en este estudio. Si surgen tales complicaciones, el Director del Protocolo y el personal del estudio de investigación lo ayudarán a obtener el tratamiento médico adecuado. En el caso de que tenga una lesión o enfermedad causada directamente por su participación en este estudio, se solicitará primero el reembolso de todos los costos relacionados de la atención de su aseguradora, plan de atención administrada u otro programa de beneficios. Usted será responsable de cualquier copago o deducible asociado según lo requiera su seguro.
Si los costos de la atención relacionados con dicha lesión no están cubiertos por su aseguradora, plan de atención administrada u otro programa de beneficios, usted puede ser responsable de estos costos. Si no puede pagar dichos costos, el Director de Protocolo lo ayudará a solicitar los beneficios suplementarios y le explicará cómo solicitar la asistencia financiera del paciente en el hospital.
- estar informado de la naturaleza y el propósito del experimento;
- recibir una explicación de los procedimientos a seguir en el experimento médico y de cualquier droga o dispositivo a ser utilizado;
- se le dará una descripción de las incomodidades y riesgos concomitantes que puedan esperarse razonablemente;
- recibir una explicación de los beneficios que razonablemente se pueden esperar del sujeto, si corresponde;
- recibir una divulgación de las alternativas, medicamentos o dispositivos apropiados que puedan ser ventajosos para el sujeto, sus riesgos y beneficios relativos;
- ser informado de las vías de tratamiento médico, si hay disponibles para el sujeto después del experimento si surgen complicaciones;
- tener la oportunidad de hacer preguntas sobre el experimento o los procedimientos involucrados;
- ser instruido que el consentimiento para participar en el experimento médico puede ser retirado en cualquier momento y el sujeto puede descontinuar la participación sin prejuicios;
- recibir una copia del formulario de consentimiento firmado y fechado;
- y se le dará la oportunidad de decidir dar su consentimiento o no a un experimento médico sin la intervención de ningún elemento de fuerza, fraude, engaño, coacción, coacción o influencia indebida en la decisión del sujeto.